Do you want to choose a function-rich massage gun or a single-function professional massage gun?

When they first come into contact with the massage gun, consumers may still wonder whether the purchase of the massage gun will have any benefits or damage to the human body, but under correct operation, most consumers enjoy the benefits that the massage gun brings to the human body. Come to relax the muscles and relieve fatigue. After in-depth contact with the massage gun as a relaxation instrument, facing more and more types and functions in the market, a new question often arises. Should I choose a massage gun with rich functions or a single professional one?

There are a lot of massage guns on the market. In order to meet the needs of the masses, some merchants will focus on many superimposed functions such as high cost performance, strong hitting power, and even cold and hot compresses. But in general, the massage gun function includes hot and cold compresses, mobile phone applications, etc. in addition to hitting massage.

The hot and cold compress function can use the massage gun to relieve the muscles at different temperatures during sports massage relaxation, which can speed up the recovery of muscle elasticity and relax the body and mind, but it is inevitable that this massage gun function needs to be used when the massage is stopped. It does not work at the same time as massage, and the effect will not be too obvious. Even because of this function, the hitting performance of the massage gun is also reduced, so consumers who are pursuing professional massage needs are more suitable to buy this function. Single professional massage gun.

With the advancement of massage gun technology and the popularization of the Internet, more and more electrical appliances are equipped with APP, and the electrical appliances can be visualized on mobile phones, and the same is true for massage guns. Using the APP on the mobile phone, users can use the massage gun more systematically according to the actual rehabilitation and relaxation courses in the software and bring instructions for massage operations. However, in order to realize the interaction of the massage gun, the product price also increases, and because the fascia The operation of the film gun is relatively simple, and there are many targeted courses on the Internet, so whether this function is necessary or not depends on the needs of consumers themselves.

The diversification of the functions of the massage gun means the progress of the product technology, and there is no distinction between different functions. It only depends on the different needs of the people the product faces. Consumers only need to choose according to their functional requirements and budget. products.

massage gun function

Post time: Dec-08-2022