The benefits of massage guns for female users

Massage gun is a popular massage tool in the fitness circle. It has a good effect on exercise relaxation. Its basic principle is physical vibration, which releases the adhesion of fascia through high-frequency vibration, massages deep muscles, and plays a role Relaxation effect.

In the process of using the massage gun, it should be noted that the massage gun is mainly aimed at relaxing the muscles and soft tissues, joints, head, side of the neck, inner clavicle, underarm and inner side of the upper arm, raised bones, knees and their surroundings It is not advisable to use the massage gun to impact in such positions.

As a unisex fitness massage instrument, the fitness massage gun also has its unique benefits for female users during use.

1. Because there is a special high-speed motor inside the fitness massage gun, it can drive the gun head to generate high-frequency vibration, and transmit the force and vibration to the fascia of the human body, so as to relax the muscles, reduce tissue adhesion, and make the tense and stiff fascia get better. Relaxes and restores the elasticity of muscles and fascia.

2. Especially after women give birth, the abdominal fascia is easy to adhere, which leads to the subconscious tightness of the abdomen and rolls forward, and the pelvis will tilt backward. When the buttocks are difficult to apply force, the center of gravity of the body will be placed on the knees and thighs. When the muscle strength is unbalanced, it is easy to form a hunched posture, which will affect the health if the time is too long, and the use of the massage gun can help relax the fascia and adjust the posture.

The massage gun acts on the deep muscle and soft tissue through rapid and continuous mechanical vibration, so as to relieve tissue adhesion and excessive excitement, decompose inflammatory products and promote metabolism, so as to achieve the purpose of improving the tissue environment. It is similar to the effects of ligament stretching, muscle stretching, and auxiliary massage after professional athletes finished training.

Therefore, the fascia relaxation gun is very suitable for people who often exercise or exercise. Many people face the computer for a long time and lack physical exercise. The massage gun has a good effect on expanding the intervertebral space, frozen shoulder, lumbar muscle strain, foot massage, and increasing blood flow.

fitness massage guns

Post time: Dec-15-2022