What are the mistakes in using the massage gun?

As one of the most popular sports and fitness equipment, the massage gun is trusted by more and more consumers because of its novelty and comfort, and even more consumers. But just because of its wide spread, because of its professional characteristics, there are some misunderstandings that are easy to be ignored when using it.
Myth 1: If there is pain after exercise, use a massage gun to relax and massage.
The massage gun can relieve tension symptoms such as muscle pain and tension, but muscle pain accompanied by redness and swelling during exercise may be acute inflammation. Do not use the massage gun for cellulite before and after to press the injured part, otherwise the injury will be aggravated.
Misunderstanding 2: Use the massage gun to relax the muscles.
If the force is too strong or the time is too long, there is a risk of injury. Under high-frequency vibration, the force first passes through the skin, fat and fascia layers, and then into the muscle layer; the force passes through each tissue, decreasing in intensity layer by layer. The skin, fat layer and fascia layer are the first to be stressed. If the force is too high, it is easy to bruise the surface tissue and even slightly tear the muscle.
Myth 3: Massage guns can be used on all muscles in the body.
The massage gun for cellulite before and after is not suitable for the following locations
A. Carotid artery: Although the wall of the large artery is thick, it will also be damaged by continuous gravity. After thrombosis, once the thrombus forms and falls off, as blood flows into the brain and blocks the cerebral blood vessels, it will cause ischemic stroke.
B. Chest: Due to its proximity to major organs such as the heart and lungs, shock injuries may occur.
C. Armpits: The armpits are full of lymphoid tissue and nerve lines, or damage the lymphatic inflammation, or damage the nerve lines, resulting in paralysis of the hand.
massage gun for cellulite before and after

Post time: Oct-03-2022